At Braybrook Primary Academy, we believe strongly in the support and development of the whole child and invest in every opportunity to provide new and exciting extra-curricular experiences for our pupils.
In the light of this, we offer a range of different clubs and extra-curricular activities throughout the year, which can be enjoyed by individuals or groups of children during lunchtimes or after-school. These clubs create opportunities for our children to:
advance in their learning.
develop their skills in a specific area.
explore new interests or hobbies.
develop their social skills and relationships, through collaborative enterprise or teamwork opportunities.
enjoy time with their friends and peers, outside of teaching and learning time.
We are delighted to be able to offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and activities throughout the year, which are timetabled and revised on a termly basis. In recent months, these have included:
cookies and books CHOIR arts & crafts
Maths whizz club Dance chess
sports club (ydp) stem construction club
story club yoga and mindfulness
The clubs that are on offer each year depend largely on the goodwill, energy, enthusiasm and particular skills of our staff and members of the wider community. As such, an outline is shared with children and parents each term, detailing options and opportunities available to the children in the forthcoming weeks.
Please speak to the school office, should you wish to know about the spaces available in our clubs.
Please be aware that signing up for a club means that your child needs to attend every week. Failure to do so on two consecutive occasions, without exceptional circumstances, may result in them losing their place or in limited choices in the future.
Thank you, in advance, for your understanding in this.