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Braybrook Primary Academy

Reach for the stars!


Our Science Vision and Intent

From the moment children step through the door at Braybrook Primary Academy, they are encouraged to be curious and inquisitive.  Our science curriculum enables all learners the opportunity to ask and answer their own questions through a well sequenced and designed curriculum.  Children are shown the importance  and relevance that science has in everyday life.  It provides all children with first-hand scientific investigative experiences that enable  learners to build on their prior learning and moves their learning on. Building on the concept of ‘Science Capital’ children are exposed to a wide number of experiences throughout their time in our school. Allowing them to make further connections.

Throughout the programmes of study, the children will acquire and develop the key knowledge and skills as set out in the National Curriculum. 

Our school are currently working on the Primary Science Quality Mark, GILT award. (December 2023)  


These key principles were put together after consultation with all stakeholders in our school, including pupils, staff, parents and governors.


At Braybrook Primary Academy, we follow the 2014 Primary National Curriculum in England, which provides a broad framework and outlines the knowledge and skills taught in each Key Stage.

Our curriculum has been created to have both a clear progression of knowledge and skills.  This was designed using the Kapow scheme of work and curriculum resources. Teachers will use their subject knowledge and adapt them to best meet the needs of the learners in their class. Our teachers create a positive attitude to science learning and have high expectations for all learners in their class.


In Foundation Stage, children are taught science through the key areas of learning as set out within the EYFS framework.

The  broad range of teacher-led and child-initiated learning opportunities, will allow all children to:

  • Use their senses to investigate a range of objects and materials.
  • Find out about, identify and observe the different features of living things, objects and worldly events.
  • Look closely and make observations about similarities, differences, patterns and change.
  • Ask questions about how and why things happen and work.
  • Develop communication and co-operations skills.
  • Talk about their findings.
  • Identify and find out about the features of the place they live and in the natural world around them.

Their outdoor provision has a specific science area for investigations as well as a wide range of proviosion supporting and allowing for children to be curious about the world around them.

Key Stage One/Key Stage Two

In Key Stage One and Two, science is taught in half-termly blocks. Where appropriate, these may be linked to another curriculum topic for example Year 4 learn about the water cycle  at the same time as their rivers geography unit so explicit links could be made. There is a clear progression of both skills and knowledge.  Science is taught weekly, with teachers adapting the Kapow scheme of work to best meet the needs of their class.   Other resources are regularly drawn upon for example PLAN Primary resources which show clear progression in vocabulary, skills and knowledge.  We have a clear and consistent whole-school approach to science teaching. 

Working scientifically is embeded within our lessons, with every lesson incorporating at least one working scientifally skill.


We have a well-equipped science cupboard which is regulary audited and stocks replenished as necessary. This enables our teachers to teach a wide range of practicia lessons. Our school grounds also act as a valuable resource.

We also have a large numbers of organisations such as Anglia Water, Geobus (Univeristy College London) and Wellcome Genome Campus.


At Braybrook Primary, all children receive quality first science teaching, enabling children to reach their full potential. This includes children of all abilities, social and cultural backgrounds, those with disabilities, EAL speakers and those with an EHCP. 


Our science curriculum is high quality and planned to demonstrate progression of both skills and knowledge.

The impact of science teaching and learning will be rigourously and regularly monitored by the science subject leader/and or the senior leadership team.  A wide range of formative and summative strategies are in place.

Retrieveal and ‘Talk like a Scientist’ strategies are used at the start of every lesson.  This supports our pupils in ‘remembering more’ and improving their oracy and deeper thinking skills. Proof of progress tasks are completed at the end of each unit from Year One up.  This information informs teacher judgements. This data is recorded on Insight and shared half-termly with parents.

All learners will leave Braybrook Primary Academy as scientists, they will have acquired the skills and knowledge that they need to be successful and ambitious learners. They will know the role that science has in their very day life and understand it’s importance.