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Braybrook Primary Academy

Reach for the stars!

Children's Views

In our most recent survey of children's views across our school, our pupils shared the reasons why they love our school and how we might better work together to be the 'best that we can be'.

Here are a selection of views of our school, from the children's perspective!


I love our school because . . .

                           I love that we are a family in the school and wherever you go you will find a friend - Heath

I enjoy that we always have discussions and debates around our learning and get to share our views and have them valued - Annabel

The things we learn about are fun and help us when we enter the grown up world - Evelina

Everyone is friendly here - Ebony

We get to do fun activities - McKinley

Our school would be even better if . . .

   Longer school days - Alex

More school trips - Layla

More playground equipment for break and lunchtimes - Oliwier